================================== Compile and run Fortran/C programs ================================== These pages contain tutorials on how to compile/run on PSMN clusters: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 compiling_Fortran90_sequential compiling_Fortran90_parallelMPI compiling_Fortran90_parallelOpenMP compiling_C_sequential compiling_C_parallelMPI compiling_C_parallelOpenMP_MPI Scripts used in these tutorials =============================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 script_seq script_par script_OpenMP scriptOpenMP_MPI progPAR_OpenMP_f90 ProgPAR_Hybrid_MPI_OpenMP_c sommeVecVecSEQ_f90 sommeVecVecSEQ_c sommeVecVecPAR_f90 sommeVecVecPAR_c Usefull links on compilation ============================ Tips and tricks about compilation, package build, dynamic linking, etc. * ``_ * ``_ [fr] * ``_ trap and process signals in fortran * `Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Programmation [fr] `_ * `OpenMP Programmation [fr] `_ See also :doc:`../../links`.