========== Quickstart ========== .. WARNING:: **First connection** For your **very first connection** to PSMN's resources, see :doc:`../connection/first_connection`. Prerequisites ============= * an account (a PSMN login and password), `see our form request `_ * a :term:`SSH` :doc:`client <../connection/index>` * good understanding of the :doc:`concepts and terms <../glossary>` used throughout that documentation, * some familiarity with `Unix/Linux command-line environments `_, and notions of shell scripting. Fast path ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 connection submission contact_staff PSMN synoptic, for reference: .. figure:: /_static/PSMN_network_synoptic_a3_2022d.png :alt: PSMN network synoptic 2022 :width: 660px :align: center PSMN network synoptic (as of 2022)