Editors ======= There are many editors installed on PSMN. Most commonly used are *vim*, *nano* and *emacs*. * `Nano guide (Gentoo wiki) `_ * `Vim guide (Gentoo wiki) `_ Vim --- You will need a ``~/.vimrc`` file (even an empty one) to be able to copy/paste into vim. * empty ``.vimrc`` file: .. code-block:: bash touch ~/.vimrc And that's it. * our recommended ``~/.vimrc`` .. code-block:: vim syntax on " activate colors colorscheme desert " 'pastel' color theme "" usefull options set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line set showmatch " Show matching brackets set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching set smartcase " Do smart case matching set incsearch " Incremental search set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make "" python dev: uncomment to use "" ensure correct python (and tab fixed) code highlighting "filetype plugin indent on "set tabstop=4 " The width of a TAB is set to 4. " Still it is a \t. It is just that " Vim will interpret it to be having " a width of 4. "set shiftwidth=4 " Indents will have a width of 4 "set softtabstop=4 " Sets the number of columns for a TAB "set expandtab " Expand TABs to spaces "" fortran dev: uncomment to use "" ensure correct fortran code highlighting "let fortran_free_source=1 "let fortran_do_enddo=1 "filetype plugin indent on "set textwidth=80 " 80 columns width lines "set nu " Turn on line numbers "set ruler " Turn on row/column numbers "set tabstop=2 " set tabstops to two spaces "set shiftwidth=2 "set smarttab " ensure tab characters are expanded into spaces "set expandtab "set bs=2 " fix backspace key * In case you have some difficulties with vim ``_ * If dragging your mouse in vim gets it into "visual mode" and you can not select and copy some text: Try adding ``set mouse=a`` in your ``~/.vimrc``. Emacs ----- The most asked version was emacs-nox (without X support).